Google has already connected to the FCC for authorization to test millimeter-wave remote systems administration gadgets, which commonly work in the 60GHz band. The 802.11ad remote systems administration standard likewise bolsters 60GHz frequencies, and it's not a stretch to surmise that Google might need to manufacture a system utilizing that standard, particularly since its officially accessible in switches you can purchase today.
It's not clear, notwithstanding, if 60GHz range can be effortlessly adjusted to true conditions. The 60GHz range is to a great extent unlicensed and free from impedance, but on the other hand it's extremely influenced by constriction from various sources. Part of the reason this has such an effect on 60GHz signs is on the grounds that they resound with the O2 particle –otherwise known as "The stuff we inhale" and "21% of the environment by volume."
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